Robuvit® French Oak Wood Extract for Energy, Detox and Mitochondrial Support


A Sacred Tree

Oak has been considered as the most venerated tree for centuries. It was sacred to Hebrews, Greeks (Zeus), Romans (Jupiter), Teutonic tribes (Thor)  as well as to Celtic Druids as a symbol of fecundity and immortality.

Traditional use

Oak has been used in winemaking to build barrels for more than 2 millenia. Oak barrels allow proper ageing of wine, and the tannins of oak wood affect its color, flavors and texture. In addition, it helps protect the wine from oxidation.

The Origins

Robuvit® originates from a unique oak tree species : Quercus Robur. “Quercus” is derived from the Celtic "quer" - which mean "fine", and "cuez" - which means "tree". The latin word “robur” means : strength, power, oak, firmness, solidity.

Used by the Ancients

The astringent effects of oak wood were known to the Ancients and used in medicine for centuries to fight against fever, hemorrhages, and diarrhea. It is tonic, strongly astringent and antiseptic. It has an astringent bitter taste, slightly aromatic.

“Mitochondrial Support”

Robuvit® rejuvenates mitochondria for greater energy

Energy in the body is generated by mitochondria, largely autonomous small cell organelles, present in all body cells. These cellular power stations generate energy in form of ATP from burning nutrients, carbohydrates, lipids, and further materials, with considerable oxidative stress as by-products, which may harm the host cell, but especially burdens the performing mitochondrion itself. Aged malfunctioning mitochondria continue to process fats and carbohydrates, yet with rapidly decreasing efficiency for ATP-generation and increasing oxidative stress and accumulating debris, which gradually destructs the mitochondrion itself. Especially organs with high energy turnover, such as muscle, neuros and liver, are prone to harm.

Robuvit stimulates mitophagy

Robuvit® metabolites urolithins are shown to induce mitophagy, a process submitting aged, seared, dysfunctional mitochondria to lysosomes, cell compartments specialised for complete disintegration of debris, by enzymes and acid. In replacement, new mitochondria are assembled, which are fully functional, providing energy at maximum yield.

Robuvit® metabolites urolithins increase muscle function by rejuvenating mitochondria through accelerated replacement of aged mitochondria by newly synthesised fully operative mitochondria.

Energy & Detox

Robuvit®: the Energy Booster

Robuvit® offers a safe, natural, caffeine-free way to boost energy, reduce fatigue and improve both physical performance and mood. Multiple clinical studies have shown that Robuvit® may help to ameliorate fatigue, including loss of memory or concentration, muscle pain, headache, unrefreshing sleep, dizziness, allergies, mood swings, and also physical performances. Visit our Science page to discover how Robuvit® works and naturally helps boost energy.

Body Detox thanks to Robuvit®

Clinical studies have shown Robuvit® has beneficial effects on liver function, blood glucose levels, lymphatic function and more. Robuvit® is an amazing ingredient which offers multiple detox benefits. Learn more about how it can help with detox-related benefits by visiting our Science page.

“Robuvit® is the result of intense research and development by Horphag Research and its renowned international scientists.”

Latest News


New Review Article Spotlights Attributes and Mechanisms of Action for French Oak Wood Extract, Robuvit®

For the first time, the science behind Robuvit®’s ability to affect cellular mitochondria and ribosomes is outlined, showing how this potent antioxidant can increase energy, improve sports performance and naturally detox the body